Mr. Terrell to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Constantinople, May 8, 1895.
(Received May 24.)
No. 546.]
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that Mr.
Riddle has returned from Brusa and reported the result of his
investigations there regarding the death of George Webber. I hope for
more certain information regarding the treatment to which Webber was
subjected. Moving further in the matter, I inclose for your information
my instructions (copy) and copy of Mr. Riddle’s report.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Mr. Terrell to
Mr. Riddle.
Legation of the United States,
Constantinople, April 30, 1895.
Sir: You will proceed at once to Brusa and
ascertain from the Americans residing there and from every other
known source of information all facts connected with the
imprisonment and death of George Webber, who is reported as having
been a naturalized citizen of the United States.
Mr. Webber is reported as having died in prison at Brusa during the
past winter. His passport was, according to admission of officers in
this city, sent by the governor at Brusa to Constantinople, but has
not been produced as yet, though requested.
You will confer with the American missionaries who have reported Mr.
Webber as a naturalized American citizen, and ascertain how they
know that fact.
You will especially seek to ascertain from the local authorities (if
you have good reason to believe that Webber was entitled to the
protection of this legation) what specific charges caused the arrest
of Webber, and where he was arrested. You will also seek to
ascertain why he was not brought to Constantinople, when placed on
the railway terminating here, and whether his treatment was humane
or otherwise while in custody. If his passport was seen by
Americans, obtain a statement of the date thereof and its
If on investigation you have reason to believe that Webber was a
naturalized American citizen, whose death was caused by inhuman
treatment while in custody, you will reduce to writing all important
facts known to Americans or Christians, and cause the statements to
be verified by oath before the consular agent of Great Britain.
You will, when practicable, take vouchers for your necessary
expenses, which will be paid by me.
I am, etc.,
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Mr. Riddle to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Constantinople, May
5, 1895.
Sir: In accordance with your instructions,
I have the honor to report herewith the facts I was able to
ascertain in Brusa concerning the nationality, imprisonment, and
death of George Webber.
[Page 1268]
Mr. Webber arrived at Brusa prison on the evening of March 28 and
died there on the following morning. He was not seen alive by any
American in Brusa or by Mr. Scholer, the British vice-consul; but
the latter gentleman and Mr. Baldwin, an American missionary, were
at once notified of his death by the Turkish authorities and took
charge of his body. Mr. Webber was bearer of three documents—an
American passport, a certificate of naturalization, and a Bavarian
certificate of baptism. Mr. Scholer testifies to have seen all
three, but he is unable to recall any of the details of the
description in the passport. Mr. Baldwin says he saw only the
certificate of naturalization, but that he is ready to swear it was
issued at Bay City, Mich., in 1889. However, Mr. Webber’s
nationality is not disputed by the Turkish authorities, as it was
the vali of Brusa himself who gave me most information, and he
admitted that Webber had a passport issued by the American legation
in Constantinople, and that all the documents had been sent on to
the ministry of police in Stamboul.
Of the place of Webber’s arrest and the earlier stages of his
journey, the vali said he knew nothing beyond the fact that the
arrest took place in the province of Koniah. When I asked whether
any specific accusation had been made against Webber, the vali
replied that there had been none; that he had been arrested as a
suspicious person, because he had no ostensible reason for being in
Asia Minor and could not satisfactorily explain his presence there.
The only reason given for the interruption of Webber’s railway
journey (his being taken on foot and in a wagon to Brusa, instead of
continuing by railway to Scutari, opposite Constantinople) was the
fact that Webber’s money had by that time been exhausted.
As to the character of the treatment which Webber received at the
hands of the Turks, both Mr. Scholer and Mr. Baldwin state that no
bruises or marks of violence of any sort were to be seen on his
body, although they seem convinced that his death was due to his
long and fatiguing journey, accompanied by we know not what
I have, etc.,