Mr. Terrell to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Constantinople, January 7, 1895.
(Received Jan. 21.)
No. 376.]
Sir: I have the honor to inclose for your
consideration my note to the minister of foreign affairs regarding a
violation of the rights of domicile of the Bev. Mr. Lee by the Ottoman
police on December 2 at Marash. This is the first case of that
character. I refrain from telegraphing you in the hope that measures
will be promptly taken to prevent a repetition of the offense.
If the usual policy of nonaction and delay is observed I will ask you for
instructions by telegram.
A mere apology by the offending officer would afford no security for
[Page 1253]
the future. The consequences
of Invasions of the domicile are so far-reaching and destructive to
future security that a demand for the removal of the offending officer
and the payment of a money indemnity would seem most appropriate.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure in No. 376.]
Mr. Terrell to
Saïd Pasha.
United States Legation,
Constantinople, January 3, 1895.
Excellency: On the 2d of December, 1894,
the Ottoman police, under the direction of the acting governor,
entered the residence house of Mr. Lee, an American citizen, at
Marash, without the formalities of the law and for none of the
causes in the proctocol. The police searched the house over the
protest of Mr. Lee, examined the articles, which Mr. Lee showed
them, that had come in a box from the United States, and then, under
the orders of the acting governor, took and conveyed the empty box
to the government house. No report of this invasion of domiciliary
rights was communicated to the nearest American consul. The Ottoman
acting governor was informed by Mr. Lee that the box had been
examined at Alexandretta, and its contents distributed through the
house. This invasion of domicile rights is a violation of treaty
rights of so serious a nature that for the present I content myself
with calling your attention to it. It will be made the subject of a
future communication.
It must occur to you that telegrams promptly sent by your excellency
to your officers throughout the Empire to be careful about violating
the domiciles of American citizens, and to let them alone, may
prevent much future embarrassment.
Please accept, etc.,