Mr. Willis to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Honolulu, February 23,
1895. (Received March 8.)
No. 90.]
Sir: I have presented a written protest,
embodying the facts heretofore communicated to you, as to the forcible
deportation of Mr. J. Cranstoun, who claimed to be an American citizen.
In a note received an hour ago, this Government claims that he is a
British subject. The fact seems to be that he was born in England and
took out his first papers at Deadwood, S. Dak., where he practiced law.
This was in 1878 or 1879. He returned temporarily to England, and had
not lived long enough in one place to complete his naturalization. In
the above state of facts, I will await your instructions.
As to those yet in prison who claim American citizenship, I inclose
correspondence with Mr. Hatch. As to the question of citizenship, I have
asked that it be submitted to you for decision.
Eleven political prisoners leave on the steamer to-day. As to those who
are citizens of our country, I have informed them that I could not
advise them to go or to stay, but they should make their own decision.
Several of them, professing absolute innocence of any connection with or
knowledge of the uprising, have concluded to go, saying that they did
not believe that in the present condition of affairs a fair trial would
be given them. They have, without my acquiescence, signed papers, but
not admitting any complicity. The charges, if any, are suspended.
I have sent you a telegram giving the sentences in the cases of United
States citizens Gulick, Seward, Marshall, and others. These sentences
are tantamount to imprisonment for life and confiscation of their entire
estates. The informer Nowlein, the self-proclaimed originator of the
plan of rebellion, together with Bartelmann, Davis, the two Ferns, who
were witnesses against Bowler, and others who turned states evidence,
will, it is understood, be released, their sentences having been
suspended. The sentence in the case of the ex-Queen will, it is
reported, be suspended.
As the delay desired by our Government was voluntarily granted, it did
not, I am glad to say, become necessary to present your telegram.
With sentiments of high regard, I am, etc.,
[Page 841]
[Inclosure 1 in No. 90.]
Mr. Willis to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Honolulu, February 18, 1895.
Sir: In further reply to your letter of the
9th instant I submit the following names of persons who claim to be
citizens of the United States and entitled to the protection of my
Government: J. F. Bowler, Charles Creighton, James Dureell, Ed.
France, C. T. Gulick, H. A. Juen, George Lycurgus, Louis Marshall,
Charles T. Molteno, A. P. Peterson, P. M. Rooney, J. Boss, George
Bitman, W. F. Beynolds, W. T. Seward, T. B. Walker, H. Yon Werthern,
Arthur White, and J. Mitchell.
As no formal charges have been presented against these persons, and
as nearly all of them have been in prison for six or more weeks, I
would respectfully request that at your earliest convenience you
will inform me of the nature of the accusation against them and of
the probability of their trial.
As you are aware, I have called the attention of your Government to
the cases of these citizens several times heretofore, and I
sincerely hope you will find it in your power to afford them a trial
or permit them to be discharged upon such terms as you may deem
proper under the circumstances.
With the highest respect, I am, etc.,
[Inclosure 2 in No. 90.]
Mr. Hatch to Mr.
Department of Foreign Affairs,
Honolulu, February 21, 1895.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of your letter of the 18th instant, inclosing a list of
persons now under arrest who claim to be citizens of the United
States and entitled to the protection of your Government.
Of this list the following are Hawaiian citizens by birth or
naturalization: J. F. Bowler, Charles Creighton, C. T. Gulick,
Charles T. Molteno, A. P. Peterson, T. B. Walker.
Messrs. Creighton and Walker claimed to be British subjects at the
time of naturalization here.
This Government does not concede that any of the above are entitled
to the protection of your Government.
Five from your list have been tried. Seven have expressed a
willingness to leave the country rather than stand trial. There
remain only James Dureell, George Lycurgus, J. Boss, W. F. Beynolds,
and J. Mitchell from your list whose cases remain undisposed of.
I am aware that you may have called the attention of this Government
to the cases of these men several times before. They are held for
complicity in the late insurrection. The probability of their trial
at au early date is very great. I beg to call your attention to the
fact that the commission has been in session almost without
intermission since the date of its appointment and that trials are
progressing with all the speed consistent with fairness.
I have, etc.,