Mr. Muruaga to Mr. Gresham.
Washington, January 22, 1895.
The strange proceedings had at Fernandina, Fla., after the detention, under very suspicious circumstances, of the yachts Baracoa, Amadis, and Lagonda compel the undersigned to call the attention of the honorable Secretary of State to the possible consequences that might result from the leniency which has been shown in the case of their open violation of the neutrality laws of the United States.
The undersigned, being desirous of avoiding any friction of an international character, has sought to keep this annoying incident within the limits of strictly confidential discussion, and, while acknowledging the good will with which the honorable Secretary of the Treasury has taken his suggestions into consideration, he can not but lament the ambiguity of the American law which permits the organization on and the departure from American soil of armed expeditions with the disguised though decided purpose of seeking to destroy the integrity and to disturb the tranquillity of a friendly nation.
All the reports, both official and confidential, that have been received through various channels by the undersigned agree in designating Don José Marti as the promoter and leader of the frustrated attempt. Marti habitually resides in New York, but his active propaganda, during the past few months, has been carried on at Tampa, Key West, New Orleans, and in Colombia.
In view, therefore, of the facts above stated, of the hopes cherished and the objects had in view by these professional revolutionists, who publicly boast that the arms which have been seized will be returned to them, and will be reshipped, the undersigned invokes the good offices of the honorable Secretary of State to the end that the said arms, warlike stores, and ammunition may be held by the Federal Government until their alleged owners, Mantell and Miranda, who are now in hiding and fugitives, shall have furnished a satisfactory explanation with regard to their origin and the purpose for which they were intended.
The undersigned avails, etc.,