Mr. Willis to Mr. Gresham.

No. 85.]

Sir: From the evidence before the military commission, the officers of the Monarchy, if restored, were to be R. W. Wilcox, minister of foreign affairs; Sam. Nowlein, minister of interior; Charles T. Gulick, minister of finance; C. W. Ashford, attorney-gen era!; associate justices, Anton Rosa and Y. Y. Ashford; governors—Island of Oahu, A. S. Cleghorn; for Hawaii, Joseph Nawahi; for Maui, D. Kawananakoa (“Prince David”); for Kauai, J. Kalanianaole (“Prince Cupid”); marshal, W. H. Ricard.

A new constitution had been drafted and engrossed. It was composed of clippings from the constitutions of 1865 and 1887, the main feature of which was that the native Hawaiians had the right to vote for both houses of the legislature and the Queen would have the right to dismiss the cabinet without a vote of want of confidence. There was also among the documents signed or to be signed by the ex-Queen a form for proclamation of martial law, and a proclamation calling upon all loyal citizens to gather at the police station and Government buildings, to maintain law and order.

Twenty-two more prisoners, all native Hawaiians, are now under trial before the military commission, making 61 up to date.

I have received no answer to my request for copies of the record in the cases of the condemned.

Admiral Beardslee and staff were formally presented to this Government on the 31st instant.

Business has been resumed and a better feeling prevails.

With high esteem, I am, etc.,

Albert S. Willis.