Mr. Dupuy de Lôme to Mr. Olney.

Dear Sir: I hope you have received the letter I had the honor of addressing you Saturday last, the 13th of July.

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In it I said that I intended to communicate to you the information that would reach me in the matter of the Mora claim.

I have received two more cablegrams—one yesterday and one to-day—stating that the committee of ministers had recommended the payment and that the cabinet council had agreed to pay the claim.

I would not have considered it necessary to present this news to your consideration, as the Duke of Tetuan has informed me that he has had on the subject a conference with Mr. Taylor, if my chief had not told me at the same time that the United States minister at Madrid insisted on the payment of the interest of the claim, saying that he has received no instructions on the subject.

As it was perfectly well understood in the conference I had the honor of having with you on the 21st of June last, that three installments of half a million each will be considered as a final and satisfactory settlement of the long pending question, and the decision of the Spanish cabinet has been taken upon the basis I told you I will recommend, and as it is most desirable that when the end of such a difficult question is reached no misunderstanding nor delay will come to defer the agreement in which both Governments are interested, I pray you to grant me an interview at your earliest convenience, telegraphing me at Swampscott, where I wish to spend the rest of the summer, the time at which you will be pleased to receive me.

Please accept, etc.,

E. Dupuy de Lôme.

Handed to the Secretary of State by the Spanish minister, July 20, 1895.


In council presided over by Her Majesty the Queen Regent there was taken into consideration, with the result of definitive approval, the resolution adopted in the council on the 15th, which textually reads as follows:

The council, in view of the facts shown of record and of the conclusions formulated by the ministers on the subcommittee of reference, resolves to authorize the minister of state to reply to the note of the 18th of June last subscribed by the minister of the United States accredited in Madrid, stating to him that the Government of His Majesty, in fulfillment of the engagement contracted by the notes exchanged on the 29th of November and 7th of December, 1886, is prepared to proceed forthwith to the payment of the demanded million and a half of pesos (Spanish dollars) in three installments of 500,000 duros (Spanish dollars) each, to which end it will come to an agreement with the Government of the United States as to the form and date of so doing.

The minister of state will adopt the necessary measures to make such payment effective.