Sir Julian Pauncefote to Mr. Gresham.

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that I am in receipt of a dispatch from Her Majesty’s principal secretary of state for foreign affairs, in which his lordship informs me that the German Government has agreed that the surveys still necessary to complete the work of the Samoan land commission should be completed, at an estimated cost of £400, under the supervision of the consuls of the three treaty powers, and are ready to defray one-third of the expense.

The acting British consul at Apia has, therefore, been instructed to proceed in the matter, in conjunction with his German and United States colleagues, as soon as the latter receive the necessary instructions from their respective Governments.

I am instructed to add that her Majesty’s Government would be much obliged if similar orders were issued to the United States representatives, and also to point out that the consent of Her Majesty’s Government to defray one-third of the estimated cost is contingent upon the agreement of the United States Government to pay a similar share.

I have, etc.,

Julian Pauncefote.

Memorandum from British Ambassador, March 26, 1895.

prohibition of sale of arms and ammunition.

The Samoan Government desires that two ordinances should be passed to restrain the sale of arms and ammunition, the one to apply to the municipality of Apia and the other outside its limits. Accordingly, an ordinance for that purpose, applicable within the municipality, was issued in August last. Owing to attempts on the part of the municipal council to defeat it by issuing supplemental regulations limiting the right of search, that ordinance was modified and finally revised by the chief justice (under Art. V, sec. 3, of the general act of the Berlin conference), and in its present form it is accepted by both the British and German Governments.

A further ordinance has been prepared by the chief justice and the president of the municipal council, applicable outside of the limits of the municipality. Her Majesty’s Government, sympathizing with the objects which the Samoan Government have in view, are not disposed to make objection to that ordinance, except as regards the provision of Article IV, which confers on the president of the municipal council the right of search. In view of that objection, the British and German Governments think that the only course open is for the representatives of the treaty Powers to issue separate regulations for the control of this traffic which shall be binding on their respective nationals, and which should be, as far as possible, identical in terms with the extra municipal ordinance proposed by the chief justice and President Schmidt. Her Majesty’s Government have accordingly instructed the British representative in Samoa to concert with his German and United States colleagues with the above object, and I am [Page 1151] to express the hope that if the United States Government concur in the expediency of the course proposed, instructions may be sent to the United States consul-general at Apia with as little delay as possible.

J. P.