Mr. Breckinridge to
Mr. Olney.
Legation of the United States.
St. Petersburg, July 31, 1895.
(Received August 15.)
No. 120.]
Sir: Referring to my No. 97, of June 27, in
regard to the request of Mr. M. Cinnamon, of Taylor, Tex., that his wife
and children be permitted to leave Russia and join him there, and the
similar request for his brother-in-law, Berk Modzack, and family, I now
have to inclose translation of a note of July 15/27 from the foreign
office, stating that the laws of Russia require that such requests be
addressed by the interested party in the form of a petition.
This petition must be addressed to the minister of the interior if it is
a question of change of nationality, and to the governor of the province
if it be for a passport to go abroad.
I have, etc.,
[Page 1123]
[Inclosure in No.
Mr. Chichkine to
Mr. Breckinridge.
Petersburg, July 15/27,
Mr. Minister: In your note of June 15/27
last you have had the goodness to communicate to the Imperial
Government the request of a certain Cinnamon living in the United
States in the State of Texas.
The man Cinnamon asks that his family, established in Russia, may be
authorized, together with that of his brother-in-law, Berk Modzack,
to join him in America.
I have the honor to inform you that, according to the laws in force,
all requests of this nature should be addressed directly, under the
form of petitions, signed by those interested themselves, to the
ministry of the interior if it is a question of nationality, or to
the governor of the respective province if it is a question of
obtaining a passport to go abroad.
Accept, Mr. Minister, etc.,