Mr. Breckinridge to Mr. Olney.

No. 190.]

Sir: Referring to my No. 179, of November 29, giving the latest presentation by this legation to the Russian Government of the question of expatriation, I now have to inclose a translation of Prince Lobanow’s note of December 5/17, in acknowledgment of my note to him of November 17/29, and copy of my reply of this date.

It is gratifying to note that Prince Lobanow approaches this subject in a much more satisfactory spirit than has been manifested for a long time. I have attempted in my response to evince a proper appreciation of this.

I have, etc.,

Clifton R. Breckinridge.
[Inclosure 1 in No. 190.—Translation.]

Prince Lobanow to Mr. Breckinridge.

Mr. Minister: I have had the honor to receive the note you kindly addressed to me, under date of November 17/29, concerning the recognition in quality of citizens by the United States, on their return to their country of origin, of Russian subjects having embraced American nationality without the authorization of the Imperial Government.

I have not failed to devote the most serious attention to the contents of said note, and I hasten to inform you that this question will be the subject of a careful examination on the part of the Imperial Government.

I avail myself, etc.,

[Inclosure 2 in No. 190]

Mr. Breckinridge to Prince Lobanow.

Your Excellency: It is with much pleasure that I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 5/17th instant, in which you kindly assure me that the subject of the recognition of the citizenship of all persons of Russian origin who have become citizens of the United States in accordance with the laws thereof, as set forth in the note of November 17/29 I had the honor to address to your excellency has received your serious attention, and that the question will be the subject of further careful examination by the Imperial Government.

I do not fail to transmit this considerate and gratifying assurance to my Government, and I hasten to say that it will be found most appreciative of the reciprocation of the sincere sentiment of friendship it has always entertained toward the Empire of Russia.

Trusting that in such a spirit there can be found an early and honorable solution of this matter, so painful to us,

I avail myself, etc.,

Clifton R. Breckinridge.