Mr. Peirce to Mr. Olney.
St. Petersburg, October 28, 1895. (Received Nov. 11.)
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 126, of October 12, relating to Anton Yablkowski, and inclosing copy of his application for a passport.
I note that Yablkowski, in his application for a passport, stated that he was born at Inowradaw, which is a small town of Prussian Poland. I have therefore addressed a letter to the United States consul at Warsaw, requesting him to secure all the data which he may be able to obtain bearing upon the place and circumstances of Yablkowski’s birth, as they may affect his original nationality, as well as upon any change of nationality previous to his American naturalization. I have also requested him to obtain, if possible, copies of all the evidence and of any official documents in this case. I inclose copy of this letter.
It has seemed to me prudent to secure these documents in this way, if it can be done, rather than to make a request through the ministry of foreign affairs, preferring, if possible, to maintain the status of the case exactly as it is until your instructions are received. At present it might be said to be parallel to the arrest of a deserter found under a safe-conduct within the enemy’s lines.
Should it prove that Yablkowski was a German and not a Russian subject originally, the case would of course present a very different aspect from its present one. It is not impossible that this may be the result of further inquiry, as, evidently from the fact of the man’s being at large, although accused of something involving so severe a penalty, the evidence against him is not thought to be very strong. Inowradaw is close to the frontier, and he would speak the same dialect as the people in Poland on the other side of the line.
I have, etc.,
Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.