Mr. Peirce to Mr. Uhl.
St. Petersburg, May 30, 1895. (Received June 14.)
Sir: Referring to my No. 81, of May 27, I have the honor to inform you that on palling yesterday upon Mr. Chichkine, at the foreign office, I was informed that Baron Osten-Sacken now has charge of the case of John Ginzberg so far as that ministry is concerned, the case being at present in the hands of the ministry of justice.
It seemed to me prudent to inform Baron Osten-Sacken of the letter of the governor of the State of Montana and to urge upon him certain views of this case before bringing the question up with the minister of the interior.
I accordingly spent some hours with Baron Osten-Sacken both yes-terday and to-day, going over with him the history of the case, and I am able to report as a result that on leaving him this afternoon I had his assurance that he would address a note to the minister of justice recommending Ginzberg’s release.
[Page 1091]Whether this will have the desired result I am unable to say, but it can not, I think, but have a favorable effect. I shall continue to follow this matter up with Baron Osten-Sacken and Mr. Dournovo, the minister of the interior, whom I hope to see to-morrow, that being his first reception day since the receipt of your No. 54. I shall also, if the course of events seems to warrant it, call upon the minister of justice in regard to this case.
I have, etc.,