Mr. Hicks to Mr. Foster.

No. 425.]

Sir: Referring to my No. 421, of September 2, inclosing a copy of my note to the foreign office, in regard to the claim of the Hydrographic Commission, I now inclose herewith a copy of the reply of the minister of foreign affairs. I am satisfied that the Government will give to this claim equal attention with those of the European countries alluded to.

Should the Congress act promptly in the matter, the claim will at least be advanced toward ultimate payment. I will see that it has attention at every step and, if it is possible, to have it settled.

I have, etc.,

John Hicks.
[Inclosure in No. 425.]

Señor Larrabrue to Mr. Hicks.

Mr. Minister: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your excellency’s esteemed note, 101, of the 2d instant, in which the attention of this department is urged on behalf of the claim of the Hydrographic Commission of the Amazon.

As your excellency knows, these claims, which the Government considers just, will have to he submitted to Congress.

In reply, I am pleased to state to your excellency on the arrival of the time for the presentation of the said list of mentioned claims, this department will take care to include in the same the claim you mentioned in your referred note of the 2d instant.

E. Larrabrue y Unanne.