Mr. Hicks to Mr. Blaine.
Legation of the United States,
Lima, Peru, October 26, 1891. (Received November 13.)
No. 318.]Lima, Peru, October 26, 1891. (Received November 13.)
Sir: In continuation of the matter contained in my No. 304 of October 1, 1891, in regard to the claim of the Hydrographic Commission against the Government of Peru, I have to say that the Peruvian Congress has adjourned without acting upon the claim.
I have given the matter personal attention, but it was not taken up by the Congress.
The recent session of that body accomplished almost nothing in the way of business, as I have stated in my No. 317, of October 23, 1891, in this mail.
I have, etc.,
John Hicks.