Mr. Uhl to Governor McIntire.
Washington, October 23, 1895.
Sir: Adverting to your letter of June 15 last, in regard to the trial of the offenders at Walsenburg, I have now the honor to apprise you of the receipt of a note from the Italian ambassador of the 17th instant, accompanied by a summary of the statements received from his Government concerning the families of the Italians lynched at that place in March last. I inclose copy, in translation, of these documents tending to show that two of the three Italians killed were unmarried but that they left numerous relatives) the other was married and left a widow with three children. Of the two other Italians whose frozen feet were amputated at the hospital, one has a son (his wife being dead) and the other a wife and daughter.
Baron Fava, in submitting these documents, mentions no specific indemnity in either case but rather trusts that a high and honorable sense of justice will determine a suitable amount to indemnify the families of the victims of the Colorado mob.
[Page 953]In this aspect of the matter the Department will be glad to receive an expression of your views as to the probable action of the State of Colorado in the light of the Italian ambassador’s presentation of the subject.
I have, etc.,
Acting Secretary.