Mr. Olney to Baron Fava.

No. 37.]

Excellency: Referring to previous correspondence and your oral inquiry made at the Department on the 6th instant, I have the honor to inclose copy of a letter from the governor of Colorado, transmitting one from the district attorney of the third judicial district, pointing out the steps taken and to be taken by the State authorities for the purpose of bringing to justice the persons engaged in the murder of the Italians at Walsenburg in March last.

Accept, excellency, etc.,

Richard Olney.
[Inclosure 1.]

Governor McIntire to Mr. Uhl.

I have the honor to inclose a copy of a letter from the district attorney of the third judicial district, in which the county of Huerfano lies. The cause of delay in receiving a reply from him is indicated in the first part of the letter.

I have the honor, etc.,

Albert W. McIntire, Governor.
[Inclosure No. 2.]

Mr. Boss to Governor McIntire.

Dear Sir: I have just received your communication of date of April 11, regarding nationality of persons lynched at Walsenburg. The letter was addressed to me to Bent County, and consequently went to Washington and was from there returned to sender and addressed to me at Trinidad; hence the delay.

I will say, sir, that both Judge Northcutt and myself will do all in our power to obtain for you the information you ask for as to the nationality of those men. We will also make request of the county judge of Huerfano County to change the administrator, as per your suggestion to me. Also, when the district court convenes in Huerfano County (in October), or sooner if you desire, we will call a grand jury in order to make a thorough investigation of the lynchings that took place there. I will be in Denver some time during the month of June and see you in person about the Walsenburg affair.

Yours, respectfully,

R. R. Ross.