Mr. Uhl to Baron
Department of State,
Washington, March 15,
My Dear Baron: I herewith inclose a copy of a
further telegram from his excellency the governor of Colorado, of the
15th instant, touching the reported killing of Italian subjects at
Walsenburg, in that State.
Very truly, yours,
Edwin F. Uhl,
Acting Secretary.
[Page 941]
Governor McIntire
to Mr. Gresham.
Denver, Colo., March 15, 1895.
I am just in receipt of a detailed account by telegraph from sheriff
at Walsenburg. It does not differ materially from the newspaper
reports. Inquest held, and, as I am informed, thorough investigation
made. Evidence in writing subscribed by witness and filed in office
of clerk of district court. Sheriff further reports that there has
been no trouble of any kind since and no danger, and that he is
thoroughly able to maintain peace, and no danger of uprising of
Americans or Italians. Am in receipt of telegram from ambassador for
Italy saying in part, “Please give orders for immediate action
against murderers of Italians.” Immediate action will be urged on
proper authorities looking to arrest and punishment of guilty
persons. The acting Italian consul informs me that he leaves
to-night for Walsenburg. I have given him such letters as he asks
for to the sheriff. From every source of information I am satisfied
that everything is quiet. Have taken steps to ascertain nationality
of deceased.
A. W. McIntire,
Governor of Colorado.