Baron Fava to Mr. Gresham.
Washington, March 13, 1895.
Mr. Secretary of State: From the papers of this day I learn that four Italian laborers have been killed by a mob at Walsenburg, Colo., and that owing to the excitement occasioned by this deed armed conflicts are feared.
[Page 939]Not having received any information on the subject, I am going to request the royal consulate at Denver to report upon the subject.
Your excellency would do me a very great favor if you would telegraph to the governor for information, after the truth of the reports has been ascertained, and to request him at the same time to make every effort in order that the Italian subjects living in the aforesaid locality may be protected by the laws and the authorities against popular violence.
Tendering your excellency my thanks in advance for the reply you will kindly send me as soon as possible,
I avail, etc.,