Mr. Uhl to Sir Julian Pauncefote.
Washington, April 5, 1895.
Excellency: I have the honor to apprise you of the receipt of a letter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury, of the 2d instant, in which he states that the Treasury Department has received information to the effect that two vessels have engaged in sealing during the past season which do not seem to be entered either on the American or British-Canadian list of vessels. The vessels are the C. E. Fox, which is reported to have secured 250 skins, and the Sea Lion, 2,200 skins.
[Page 609]In view of this information the Department will be glad to have you ascertain from the Canadian Government whether or not these vessels entered at British Columbia, and, if so, further particulars as to their catch, numbers of crew, etc.
I may observe that neither of these vessels is mentioned in the list transmitted with your note of March 14 last.
I have, etc.,
Acting Secretary.