Mr. Uhl to Mr.
Department of State,
Washington, March 18,
No. 379.]
Sir: Referring to the recent correspondence
between the Department and your embassy relative to the difficulties
between France and the Dominican Republic, I inclose for your
information a copy of a letter of the 12th instant from the president of
the San Domingo Improvement Company of New York, thanking this
Government for its assistance in the matter.
I am, etc.,
Edwin F. Uhl,
Acting Secretary
[Inclosure in No. 379.]
Mr. Weed to Mr.
San Domingo Improvement Company of New
York, March 12,
Dear Sir: We are in receipt to-day of a
cable from Gen. Ulisse Heureaux, the President of the Dominican
Republic, stating that the agreement of settlement between France
and Santo Domingo has been signed and the matter closed. He desires
us at the very first opportunity to thank the Government of the
United States, through you, the Secretary of State, for your kind
offices and assistance in this matter.
[Page 402]
We take great pleasure in so doing, and in adding our appreciation of
the manner in which you have treated us and defended the rights of
our company—an American company, and composed of American
With high esteem and assurances of our sincere appreciation of your
cordial consideration, we beg to remain, etc.,