[Inclosure in No. 272.—Extract from the
New York Herald (Paris edition), March 11, 1895.]
France and Santo Domingo.—An agreement arrived at
and diplomatic relations to be resumed.
M. Hanotaux, minister of foreign affairs, announced to his colleagues
on Saturday that the negotiations which were commenced in Paris
through the good offices of
[Page 401]
Señor Leon y Castillo, the Spanish ambassador, had been brought
to a successful issue. The following are the terms of the
The Dominican Government undertakes to pay to Captain Boimare a total
indemnity of 1,000,000 francs, of which 150,000 francs on account
must be paid cash down in Paris. The remainder is to be paid in
monthly installments of, first, 12,000 francs, and then 15,000
francs, guaranteed on the dette extérieure and on the whole of the
Dominican revenues.
So far as concerns the Cacavilli affair, the aggressor having been
sentenced and executed, the Dominican Government undertakes to pay
an indemnity of 225,000 francs, of which 80,000 francs shall be paid
on account at once, and the remainder is payable in monthly
installments of 5,000 francs.
The claims of the Banque de St. Domingue and those of Abbe Chiappini
are submitted to the arbitration of Spain.
The minister of France at Haiti is to go to Santo Domingo on board a
man-of-war. He is to be saluted with a salvo of twenty-eight guns.
The Dominican authorities are to meet the representative when he
lands, and to express to him the regrets of their Government and the
desire to see relations reestablished with the French
The representative of the Republic of Santo Domingo will be received
in Paris by the President of the Republic as soon as the minister of
foreign affairs has been informed of the reception accorded to the
French agent at Santo Domingo.
These negotiations were commenced seven months ago by Señor de
Escoriaza, the representative of Santo Domingo at Madrid. He had
recourse to the good offices of the Spanish ambassador in Paris to
communicate with the French minister of foreign affairs. The
engagement entered into by the Dominican Government to execute the
arrangement which has just been concluded is contained in a letter
that Señor de Escoriaza has addressed to Señor Leon y Castillo which
the ambassador has transmitted to M. Hanotaux.
The sums which the Dominican Government are to pay immediately on
account are in the hands of the Spanish ambassador.
The instructions of the French Government to M. Pichon, French
minister in Haiti, to go to Santo Domingo to receive the apologies
of the Dominican Government, will be sent from France by the mail
leaving on March 19.
As soon as M. Pichon has fulfilled his mission, M. Hanotaux will
choose his successor. Santo Domingo will be represented in Paris by
Señor de Escoriaza.