Mr. W. V. Risley to Mr. Gresham.

Sir: In the absence of the minister, I have the honor to inclose the original of a dispatch received at this legation from the Danish ministry of foreign affairs, relative to the proposed Peary relief expedition to Greenland. I have caused a copy of this dispatch to be kept on record at this legation.

I have, etc.,

W. V. Risley,
Private Secretary

Minister of Foreign Affairs to Mr. Bisley.

Mr. Minister: I have communicated to my colleague, the minister of the interior, the desire which you expressed to me in your note of the 20th of last March, that the expedition now preparing in the United States to go in search of Mr. Peary be permitted to enter the Danish [Page 210] ports and settlements in Greenland, and that it may count upon receiving assistance from the local authorities. I have just received Mr. Hörring’s answer, to the effect that on the first occasion the authorities shall receive the necessary instructions in order that they may lend their full support to this expedition, so far as the exigencies of the service and the interests of the natives will permit. As to the extent to which the authorities will have it in their power to furnish provisions and other essentials to the expedition, I refer you to the letters which I had the honor to address to your predecessor under the dates of March 22, 1892 and 1893.

I will be obliged to you to furnish me as soon as possible with the names of the vessel and captain, and other details of interest to the local authorities.

Be pleased to accept, etc.