Mr. Denby to Mr. Olney.

No. 2409.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose a translation of a communication from the Tsung-li Yamên, wherein it informs me that two officials have been detailed to meet the Szechuan investigating commission at the boundary of Szechuan and to take charge of the members of the commission; also that the provincial judge, Wen Kuang, has been ordered to cooperate with them in their investigations.

I know of no reason why this official should not perform the duty assigned him, though I had previously suggested the appointment of one from another province.

As, however, all the officials who were implicated in the riots have now been degraded or removed from office, it does not appear that this appointment is objectionable, while the judicial rank of the appointee will give dignity and efficiency to the investigation. At all events, if there be any valid objection to this official serving in the manner stated the commission will, no doubt, make it known.

I have, etc.,

Charles Denby
[Inclosure in No. 2409.]

The Tsung-li Yamên to Mr. Denby.

Your Excellency: We have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of recent date stating that the American Szechuan investigating commission had started for Chengtu and thanking us for the escort supplied them. In this note you referred to your previous request that a proper official be designated to await the arrival of the commission in Szechuan and to cooperate with it in its investigations, and you asked to be informed of this official’s name and rank.

We are now in receipt of a telegram from the viceroy of Szechuan stating that he has detailed Captain Su Pei-tai and District Magistrate Kang Shou-tung to proceed with dispatch to the boundary between Szechuan and Shensi and to take charge of the American officials upon their arrival at Szechuan. The provincial judge, Wen Kuang, who has been ordered to cooperate with them in their investigations, is already in Szechuan expecting them.

In sending this note for your excellency’s information we renew our compliments.