Mr. Denby to Mr. Olney.
Peking, October 26, 1895. (Received Dec. 5.)
Sir: This legation has received from various points along the route telegrams reporting the progress of the American commission on its way to Szechuan.
[Page 168]Leaving Tientsin on the 6th instant, the commission reached Pao-ting fu on the 13th, Hui-lu on the 17th, and Tai-yuan fu on the 24th. Letters received from members of the commission from Pao-ting fu commend the courtesy and effectiveness of their escort. They have been received with curiosity but respect in the cities they have passed through and there seems no occasion to apprehend any mishap to them. The missionaries they have met along the road have expressed gratification that such a commission has been dispatched by the Government of the United States and anticipate great benefits from the favorable impression made upon the people.
I have, etc.,