No. 3.
Mr. Dole to Mr. Foster.
Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, January 18, 1893.
(Received February 3.)
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that, as president of the executive and advisory council of the Provisional Government of the Hawaiian Islands, I have this day commissioned and appointed the following gentlemen as special commissioners from this Government to that of the United States of America, viz, Hon. L. A. Thurston, W. R. Castle, esq., Hon. W. C. Wilder, Charles L. Carter, esq., Hon. Joseph Marsden, accrediting them to his excellency the President of the United States.
A copy of their credentials will be found inclosed.
Expressing the hope that these gentlemen will prove acceptable to the United States as the representatives of this Government, and that you will extend them all proper assistance in furtherance of their mission,
With sentiments of the highest esteem and respect,
I have, etc.,
Minister of Foreign Affairs.
(Inclosures:) Copies of the credential letters of the five commissioners. For text see Credentials of Mr. Lorrin A. Thurston, printed as paper No. 13, post.