No. 1.
Mr. Gresham to Mr. Willis.
Washington, August 31, 1894.
Sir: I have received your dispatch of the 11th instant, reporting the arrival at Honolulu on the 4th of Mr. A. G. S. Hawes, British commissioner and consul-general, succeeding Major Wodehouse, lately minister resident. You also report the movements of the Philadelphia and Champion.
A very remarkable dispatch from Bear-Admiral Walker, dated “At sea, August 17,” and reporting events at Honolulu, up to the date of his departure on the 12th, has been communicated to me by the Secretary of the Navy for my information. I inclose a copy for your perusal The apprehensions of the Admiral do not seem to have been shared by you sufficiently to warrant your reporting the petition for the retention of the Philadelphia, which was addressed to you as well as to the naval commander, and it is trusted that your reported concurrence in that officer’s views will be found due to some misapprehension.
I am, etc.,