Mr. Willis to Mr. Gresham.
Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, December 14, 1893.
Sir: Your cipher telegram of the 2d instant was delivered to me by Capt. Hunger of the revenue cutter Corwin this Thursday morning, December 14, at about 6:30 o’clock. I gave it to Admiral Irwin within a half-hour. He and his secretary have been engaged in deciphering [Page 1262] it up to this time, 3 p.m. The steamship Mariposa was to leave at 12 m., but the agents voluntarily offered to detain her until 5 p.m., which offer I accepted in the hope that after reading your telegram I might answer it.
In view of the length of time required to translate the naval cipher, I desire to most respectfully renew the suggestion made in my dispatch, No. 9, of December 5, that the State Department cipher or the one which I heretofore inclosed to you be hereafter used.
The excitement consequent upon the unexpected arrival of the Corwin is intense throughout the city. The President’s message, which was published this morning, has increased the excitement, but I hope no immediate outbreak will occur.
With high regard, very respectfully,