Mr. Adee to Mr.
No. 11.]
Department of State,
Washington, November 16,
Sir: I herewith, inclose for your
confidential information a copy of the instructions addressed by the
Secretary of the Navy (and received with his letter of the 13th
instant) to the commanding officer of the United States naval force
of the Pacific station, relative to the retention of a sufficient
number of vessels of his fleet in Hawaiian waters during the
approaching February elections for the prompt protection of American
interests should occasion arise.
I am, etc.,
Alvey A. Adee,
Acting Secretary.
[Inclosure in No.
Mr. Tracy
to Mr. Blaine.
Navy Department,
Washington, November 13, 1889.
Sir: Referring to your letter of the
6th instant, concurring in the opinion of Rear-Admiral Kimberly
that security to our citizens there would be promoted if at the
February elections the United States had a force in Hawaiian
waters competent to preserve order should necessity arise, the
Department incloses herewith, for your information, a copy of
its instructions issued this day to that officer for his
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
[Inclosure to inclosure in No.
Mr. Tracy
to Rear-Admiral Kimberly.
Navy Department,
Washington, November 13, 1889.
Sir: Referring to your letter No. 165
of the 18th ultimo, with reference to the political situation in
the Hawaiian Islands, and in which you state that “it would
promote a feeling of security to our people, and, I think, to
foreigners, if at the February election we had a force here
competent to preserve order should necessity arise,” the
Department directs that you will keep as many of the vessels of
[Page 1172]
command in
Hawaiian waters as yon may deem expedient for the purpose of
carrying out the object in view.
A copy of a letter from the honorable the Secretary of State,
concurring in your opinion as to the desirability of such
action, is inclosed herewith for your information.
Very respectfully,