No. 17.
Mr. Wilcox to Mr. Blount.
Hon. Jas. H.
United States
Commissioner, etc.
Sir: Referring to our conference of yesterday’s in re “The establishment of this Provisional Government,” I will submit the following appendix for your consideration:
That this Provisional Government was fostered and made predominant only through the American force of arms of the U. S. S. Boston, under the recognition of a decided minority of the white element, aided and abetted by United States Minister Stevens. Prior to any movement by the Queen’s Government, and whilst her Government yet held the places, to wit, palace, barracks, station house, etc., there were 150 native soldiers and 200 policemen under arms, besides about 400 natives and foreigners who were ready to take up arms; the barracks and station house were amply supplied with war material (8 pieces of 75 centimeters caliber and 4 pieces of 5 centimeters caliber cannon and also two Gatling guns); there were also about 500 rifles, with a large supply of ammunition for same; whilst on the other hand the Provisional Government, before their recognition by Minister Stevens, i. e., from 3 to 6 p.m. [Page 1064] on January 17, 1893, had only about 100 rifles and a very limited supply of ammunition, and it was only at 6 p.m. that their men numbered 100.
Under Minister Stevens’ assurance—that he recognized the Provisional Government notwithstanding—the station house recapitulated at 6 p.m. that same day, with 200 rifles and other munitions.
The white element of this city did not join in with this Provisional Government until the morning of January 18, when they knew that the Queen’s Government had given up everything to this Provisional Government, and then only under protest.
I have the honor to be yours, obediently,