No. 27.
Statement by Got. C. P. Jaukea,
late of Her Majesty’s personal staff.
On arriving at the palace shortly after the landing of the United States forces, I found Her Majesty’s household in a state of nervous excitement. The Queen, although calm and collected, showed signs of uneasiness. This feeling soon increased to one of grave alarm and apprehension when, a few minutes later, the troops were seen moving in the direction of the palace, and, without warning, immediately take a position a short distance from, and in full view of, the palace and Government building.
This unexpected show of force right under the palace walls deeply impressed Her Majesty; and when on the day following the United States forces were seen encamped in the Arion Hall, adjoining the Government building premises, and commanding the palace, it at once became evident that they were landed for some other purpose than the protection of life and property.
When therefore during the afternoon of the same day the revolutionists took possession of the Government building no resistance was offered by the Queen’s forces, it being impossible to successfully resist them without precipitating a conflict with the United States forces.
Late of Her Majesty’s Personal Staff.