No. 1.
Affidavits of J. F. Colburn and A. P. Peterson.

Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, ss:

J. F. Colburn and A. P. Peterson, being duly sworn, on oath depose and say, that on Sunday, January 15, 1893, they were members of Her Majesty’s cabinet, and that on that Sunday morning at 6:30 o’clock Mr. L. A. Thurston came to the house of Mr. Peterson and stated in the presence of Mr. Peterson and Mr. Colburn that he wished to have a talk with them. He said that the committee of safety had had a meeting the night before and had come to the conclusion that things could not go on as at present, and that the committee had decided that the Queen should be dethroned and a Provisional Government established. He said that Mr. Stevens, the American minister would land his troops and support the movement, if a proclamation to that effect was issued from any building in town.

He then asked Mr. Peterson and Mr. Colburn if they would, without consulting with their colleagues, as he said they were not to be trusted, take control of the situation and in their own names ask the American minister to assist in carrying out their programme and stated that the document already drawn up by him, a copy of which is annexed, could be changed to suit this proposition.

  • John F. Colburn,
  • A. P. Peterson.

F. J. Testa,
Notary Public First Judicial Circuit.
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To His Excellency Jno. L. Stevens, American Minister Resident, and Captain —Wiltse, Commander U. S. S. Boston:

Gentlemen: On behalf of the Hawaiian cabinet, you are hereby informed that certain persons, without authority of law, have prepared and caused to be promulgated a document purporting to be a new constitution subversive of the rights of the people and contrary to the law and constitution of the land.

That such illegal action is taken in the name of Her Majesty Liliuokalani, and is proposed to be supported by force. That the cabinet maintain that such action is revolutionary and treasonable, and they hereby request the assistance of the United States troops to maintain order and support the Government.