Mr. Webster to Mr. Everett.
Washington, March 23, 1843.
Edward Everett, Esq., etc:
Sir: The course adopted by this Government in regard to the Sandwich Islands has for its sole object the preservation of the independence of those islands and the maintenance by their Government of an entire impartiality in their intercourse with foreign states. The United States desire to exercise no undue influence or control over the Government of the islands, nor to obtain from it any grant of exclusive privileges whatever. This was solemnly declared in the President’s message to Congress, and it is declared also in the instructions given to Mr. Brown, of which you will receive herewith a copy.
The President would exceedingly regret that suspicion of a sinister purpose of any kind on the part of the United States should prevent England and France from adopting the same pacific, just, and conservative course towards the Government and people of this remote, but interesting group of islands.
I am, sir, etc.,