Mr. Blaine to
Mr. Stevens.
No. 8.]
Department of State,
Washington, November 6,
Sir: I transmit for your confidential
information a copy of a letter from the Secretary of the Navy, and
its inclosure, relating to the political situation in Hawaii; also,
a copy of the reply of this Department.
I am, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Mr. Tracy
to Mr. Blaine.
Navy Department,
Washington, November 1, 1889.
Sir: I have the honor to inclose
herewith, for the information of the Department of State, a copy
of a report dated the 18th instant, from Rear-Admiral L. A.
Kimberly, commanding the United States naval force on the
Pacific station, with reference to the political situation
in-the Hawaiian Islands.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
B. F. Tracy,
Secretary of the
[Page 299]
[Inclosure in Inclosure 1 in No.
Rear-Admiral Kimberly to Mr. Tracy.
No. 165.]
S. Flagship Alert (third
Honolulu, October 18,
Sir: I have to report that, politically
speaking, quietness prevails at present. There is an agitation
quietly working as to the race question, which no doubt will
become a prominent factor in the elections that come off in
The natives seem to have an uneasy feeling as to their rights
being usurped by the whites and their gradual loss of prestige
and power in the Government as laid down in the principles of
the present constitution, which, to their ideas, circumscribes
too much the kingly power.
It would promote a feeling of security to our own people, and, I
think, other foreigners, if at the February elections we had a
force here competent to preserve order should necessity
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
L. A. Kimberly,
Rear-Admiral U. S. Nuvy,
Commanding U.
S. Naval Force on Pacific
The Secretary of the Navy.
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Mr. Blaine
to Mr. Tracy.
Department of State,
Washington, November 6, 1889.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge
the receipt of your letter of 1st instant and of the copy of
Rear-Admiral Kimberly’s report of the 18th ultimo, which you
inclose, on the political situation in Hawaii. In view of his
opinion that the security of our citizens there would be
promoted “if, at the February elections,” the United States had
a force in those waters competent to preserve order should the
necessity arise, I trust that your Department may find it
convenient to make such disposition in that quarter as will
subserve the desired object.
I am, etc.,