Mr. Stevens to Mr. Blaine.

No. 2 bis.]

Sir: I improve the opportunity to report to the Secretary of State that, taking the usual route of travel by train and steamer, I arrived with my family at Honolulu September 20, and on the following day communicated with the minister of foreign affairs, who promptly arranged the day and the hour for my reception by the King. Monday, September 23, His Majesty received me in the customary manner, when I presented my sealed letter of credence from the President. I inclose a printed slip containing my remarks and those of the Kin gin reply. All the facts and incidents attending my reception at the Hawaiian capital have been most cordial and satisfactory, and I appreciate that I assume my post of duty here under highly favorable auspices.

I have the honor, etc.,

John L. Stevens.
[Inclosure in Mr. Stevens’s No 2 bis.]

Mr. Merrill then presented to the King his excellency John L. Stevens, who addressed His Majesty in the following words:

May it please Your Majesty:

Sire: In presenting to His Majesty my letters of credence he will allow me to say that it is with an experience of pleasure that I am permitted to be the medium of communicating to him the good wishes of the President of the United States and of the sixty-five millions of people whom he ably and faithfully represents. It is in the spirit of international fraternity, which has greatly increased in force and elevation in recent times, that I am sent as the American agent to His Majesty’s Government and to reside among the people of these beautiful islands, a cluster of gems in the Pacific Sea. It is proper for me to say, what His Majesty and Government well understand, that the Government and people of the United States cherish a deep interest in the prosperity and welfare of the Hawaiian Islands, so smiled upon by nature and so important to the future commerce and civilization of the countries contiguous to the Pacific.

“Your autonomy secured by the good will of the great nations, all true statesmen and generous citizens of other lands must wish that your Government may be successful in securing order, prosperity, and happiness to all your people. Though separated by a thousand miles of ocean, the United States and the Hawaiian Kingdom make a part of the new world, whose reciprocal interests of commerce tend to unity and to all that is liberal in policy and beneficent in the arts of peace. If my residence among you shall in any way conduce to these pacific and desirable ends, it will be my good fortune to faithfully represent the wishes of the people and Government of the great American nation.”

[Page 292]

The following is a copy of the autograph letter from the President of the United States to His Majesty presented by his excellency John L. Stevens:

Benjamin Harrison, President of the United States of America, to His Majesty Kalakaua, King of the Hawaiian Islands.

Great and Good Friend:

I have made choice of John L. Stevens, one of our distinguished citizens to reside near the Government of Your Majesty in the quality of minister resident of the United States of America. He is well informed of the relative interests of the two countries and of our sincere desire to cultivate to the fullest extent the friendship which has so long subsisted between us. My knowledge of his high character and ability gives me entire confidence that he will constantly endeavor to advance the interest and prosperity of both Governments and so render himself acceptable to Your Majesty.

I therefore request Your Majesty to receive him favorably and to give full credence to what he shall say on the part of the United States, and to the assurances which I have charged him to convey to you of the best wishes of this Government for the prosperity of the Hawaiian Islands.

May God have Your Majesty in His wise keeping.

Written at Washington, the 26th day of June, in the year 1889.

Your good friend,

Benj. Harrison.

By the President:
James G. Blaine,
Secretary of State.

His Majesty replied to Mr. Stevens, as follows:

“Mr. Minister: It is with pleasure that I receive from you the assurance of the continuance of the friendly regard of the President and the people of the American nation for the Sovereign and people of Hawaii.

“And I am well pleased to welcome to a residence in my kingdom a gentleman who is the choice of my great and good friend, President Harrison, as the representative of the American Government and people.

“The officers of my Government will be instructed to tender to you every attention and courtesy during your official residence in my dominions.”

His Majesty was attended on this occasion by the Hon. A. S. Cleghorn, H. R. H. Prince Kawananakoa, His Excellency Hon. Jona. Austin, minister of foreign affairs; James W. Robertson, esq., His Majesty’s vice and acting chamberlain; Col. the Hon. Robert Hoapili Baker, A. D. C; Maj. John Dominis Holt, A. D. C, and Capt. the Hon. E. K. Lilikalani, equerry in waiting.