Mr. Bunyon to Mr.
No. 25.]
Embassy of
the United States,
Berlin, January 2,
Sir: I have the honor to transmit a copy of a
communication in regard to Samoan affairs received by me from the
imperial foreign office this morning, also a translation thereof. I beg
to call attention to the request which the document contains that the
reply of the U. S. Government be sent by telegraph.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Baron Marschall
to Mr. Runyon.
Foreign Office,
Berlin, December 31,
Mr. Ambassador: In the note March 17 last,
Mr. Walter Phelps sent information that the Government of the United
States agreed that the session of the land commission at Apia be
extended to the contemplated time, March 31, 1894. In consequence of
this agreement reached by the three treaty powers, the work of the
land commission was extended to the above period. According to
reports transmitted to the Imperial Government in the meantime,
there is now no doubt that the commission will not be able to finish
the examination of the land claims in Samoa, according to the Samoan
act, even within the time, as extended. The circumstance that the
newly appointed land commissioner only arrived in Apia in November
last, about eight months after the departure of his predecessor, may
in a large degree have added to the delay in the work of the
commission. As matters stand, it seems advisable to adopt, without
delay, the necessary measures to insure that the working of the
commission be not interrupted again. In consideration hereof the
Imperial Government permits itself to propose another extension of
time for the labor of the land commission, if necessary to the end
of the year 1894. I would be grateful if your excellency would
kindly acquaint your Government with this proposition, and would
communicate its decision to me. In order that the members of land
commission be notified of this extension if agreed to, or that they
be replaced in due season, it is important that the Government of
the United States transmit its answer by telegraph.
While I beg to add that a like proposition has been made to the royal
Government of Great Britain,
I avail myself, etc.,