Mr. Bayard to Mr. Gresham.

No. 7.]

Sir: I had yesterday the honor of receiving your cablegram in cipher (a translation of which is inclosed herewith) relating to Samoan affairs; and, as instructed thereby, at once applied for an interview with Her Majesty’s minister for foreign affairs, in order to obtain the cooperative action desired by you with the representatives of the British and German Governments.

The departure of Lord Rosebery from town has delayed the proposed interview, but I will see his lordship at the earliest possible moment and convey to you his reply to the suggestions contained in your telegram.

As bearing upon the Samoan question, I transmit to you by the dispatch bag to-day a blue book (Samoa, No. 1, 1893) containing further correspondence respecting the affairs of those islands.

I have, etc.,

T. F. Bayard.