Mr. von Holleben to Mr. Gresham.

Sir: In pursuance of telegraphic instructions received from the secretary of state for foreign affairs at Berlin, in reply to the proposal made by the United States Government with regard to the extension of the term of the Samoan land commission, which I duly transmitted to my Government on the 12th of this month, I have now the honor to inform you that the Imperial Government had likewise considered it desirable to make such prolongation of the labors of the commission for the period of one year from the 1st of June, i. e., up to June 1, 1894.

Such proposal having been communicated to the Government of Great Britain, the British Government has replied that a prolongation of the term up to March 31 of this year seemed sufficient.

The imperial secretary of state has consented thereto and has lost no time in informing the Hon. W. W. Phelps, U. S. minister at Berlin, of the acceptance of this altered proposal.

I avail, etc.,
