Mr. von Holleben to Mr. Foster.


Mr. Secretary of State: In reply to your note of the 3d ultimo, addressed to Baron von Ketteler, then imperial chargé d’affaires, in reference to sending vessels of war to Samoa, I have the honor to state, in obedience to instructions received, that the British Government also has now sent one of its war vessels to Samoa, in order that it may, in conjunction with the vessels of the other powers, protect the lives and property of foreigners there. His Imperial Majesty’s cruiser Buzzard is now at Apia.

While the Imperial Government confidently expects that the presence of the three war vessels will have a salutary effect upon the state of affairs in Samoa, it still thinks that permanent success in this regard is only to be expected from the disarmament of the natives.

Accept, Mr. Secretary of State, etc.,
