Baron Ketteler to Mr. Foster.


Mr. Secretary of State: It is known that the president of the municipal council of Apia, Freiherr Senfft von Pilsach, tendered his resignation of his post in the autumn of last year, because King Malietoa had not complied with the advice given him on the question of the currency to be fixed upon for Samoa.

The request was at that time, after previous communication to the Governments of the United States and Great Britain refused by the Imperial Government, and Mr. Senfft von Pilsach was informed that circumstances rendered his continuance in the office desirable.

The president of the municipal council has now reiterated his request in renewed statements, addressed to the three treaty powers.

In accordance with instructions which I have received I have the honor, Mr. Secretary of State, to inform you that the Imperial Government intends to refuse the renewed request of Freiherr Senfft von Pilsach, there being no reason for revoking its former decision, as no change in the state of affairs at Samoa has taken place since that time.

The Imperial Government hopes that it may count on the acquiescence of the U. S. Government in this matter.

I avail myself, etc.,
