Mr. Wharton to Mr. von Holleben.
Washington, March 24, 1892.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Mr. von Mumm’s note of December 10, 1891, and of your own of the 23d instant, in relation to the currency question at Samoa.
It gives me pleasure to say that a telegram will be at once transmitted to Mr. Sewell, the consul-general of the United States, Apia, instructing him to join with his German and British colleagues, whenever they may receive similar instructions, in representing to the Samoan Government that the Government of the United States is of [Page 635] opinion that German coin should be admitted into Samoa as well as the coins of the United States and Great Britain, the 20-mark gold piece to be taken as worth $4.76.
Accept, sir, etc.,
Acting Secretary.