Count Arco-Valley to Mr. Blaine.


Mr. Secretary of State: No provision is made in the Samoa act for reimbursing the president of the municipal council of Apia for his traveling expenses and those incurred by him for his outfit. Since an officer has beenv appointed to fill this position who was obliged to go from Europe to Samoa, it would seem to be but reasonable that a suitable allowance should be granted to him by a special agreement on the part of the treaty powers for refunding the amount of his traveling expenses and those of his outfit. A similar arrangement has already been adopted in the case of the subordinate officers whom the chief justice took with him from Sweden.

I therefore have the honor, in obedience to instructions received, to inquire, Mr. Secretary of State, whether the U. S. Government would be willing to pay one-third of the amount required to reimburse Baron Senfft von Pilsach for his traveling expenses and his outfit.

This amount, according to the principles adopted when German officers of consular rank are sent to foreign countries, would be, altogether, 7,500 marks.

Hoping that this equitable proposition will meet the approval of your Government,

I avail myself, etc.,
