Count von Arco-Valley to Mr. Blaine.
Washington, February 26, 1891.
Mr. Secretary of State: I have the honor to inform you in obedience to instructions received the chancellor of the Empire, with the consent of the Governments of the United States of America and Great Britain, has appointed Baron Senfft von Pilsach as presiding [Page 628] officer of the municipal board of Apia, under date of the 2d instant and that Baron von Senfft will take his departure for his post on the 2d of March next by the imperial mail steamer which sails from Genoa.
The imperial representative at Apia will be instructed to cause the inauguaration, in conjunction with his American and English colleagues, of the presiding officer of the municipal board by the Samoan Government, according to article v, section 5 of the Samoan act.
Accept, Sir. Secretary, etc.,