Mr. Uhl to Sir Julian Pauncefote.

Excellency: I have the honor to refer to the Department’s note of the 1st instant in reply to yours of May 28 last, and to say that, by a [Page 624] note from his excellency the German ambassador of the 8th instant, it appears that the Imperial German Government agrees to assume its share of the $1,000 additional toward the traveling expenses of Mr. Henry C. Ide, chief justice of Samoa.

Baron Saurma adds that, after the British Government has expressed itself to the same effect and the United States have likewise assented thereto, the Imperial consul at Apia will be instructed to confer with his American and British colleagues respecting the joint payment of the sum in question.

I have advised the German ambassador of the nature of your note of the 28th ultimo and of your willingness to transmit the sum of $333.34 in United States money, or its equivalent, to the Department, to be turned over to Mr. Ide.

I think, however, the better way is to instruct the three consuls at Apia to confer and to draw simultaneously upon their respective Governments for the sum of $333.34 each, or its equivalent, and pay it over directly to Mr. Ide, who can give the necessary receipts, and thus end the matter.

I have requested Baron Saurma to see that the German consul at Apia is instructed in this sense, and shall be glad to learn that Her Majesty’s consul there had been similarly instructed. The necessary directions will be immediately sent to Mr. Blacklock.

I have, etc.,

Edwin E. Uhl.
Acting Secretary.