Sir Julian Pauncefote to Mr. Gresham.

Dear Mr. Gresham: In your note of the 23d about Samoa yon were good enough, in reply to my inquiry as to the number of vessels that each power should have available there for the purpose of the proposed demonstration against Mataafa, to inform me that two German ships are now on the spot, and that it would be several weeks before the American ships would arrive, and you added that you thought a sufficient force could be landed from three good-sized ships (one of each power) to effect the object in view, namely, disarmament without bloodshed.

I telegraphed the above to Lord Rosebery, who replies that he concurs in your view that three ships are enough, but that Her Majesty’s Government are prepared to agree to whatever number your Government recommend.

May I ask you to be so good as to inform me what answer I may return to his lordship’s inquiry.

I remain, etc.,

Julian Pauncefote.