Mr. Gresham to Sir Julian Pauncefote.

Excellency: As you will recall, the question of joint assistance to be rendered by the three powers to the Government of King Malietoa in enforcing its authority throughout the Somoan Islands under the general act of Berlin has on several occasions been considered.

The Government of the United States, while heretofore inclined to confine its action to participation in the maintenance of the system of government devised by the general act to the execution of the process of the supreme court and to keeping up such naval representation in Samoan waters as should suffice for the protection of American life and property in those islands, is now prepared to go further, in view of the reported rebellious attitude of Mataafa and his followers, and will join in an active demonstration for the purpose of surrounding and disarming them.

I inclose for your information copies of a memorandum received by me on the 13th instant from the imperial German legation and of my reply of this date, announcing the decision of the Government of the United States, in view of the demonstrated necessity for such action, to dispatch forthwith naval vessels to Samoan waters for the purpose of cooperating with the naval forces of the two other treaty powers in such a forcible demonstration against the rebellious chief and his adherents as will show the futility of resistance, and thus secure without bloodshed the benefits of peace and stable government which the three powers have mutually pledged themselves to afford to the inhabitants of the Samoan Islands.

I have, etc.,

W. Q. Gresham.