Mr. Adee to Sir Julian Pauncefote.
Dear Sir Julian: After his conversation with you yesterday in regard to Samoan affairs, Mr. Gresham finds himself uncertain whether the situation with respect to the appointment of a new chief justice and president of the municipal council is clearly presented.
As he now understands it, the German Government proposed Mr. Ide and Mr. Hennings as the successors of Mr. Cedercrantz and Baron Senfft in those offices, intimating that the nominations were interdependent and to be considered jointly.
This Government accepted them both as tendered. Her Majesty’s Government, while accepting Mr. Ide for chief justice, objected to Mr. Hennings for president of the municipal council, whereupon Germany withdrew both nominations, reserving the submission of others in their stead. No new nominations have yet been made, and this Government has proposed no names and made no suggestion, save that as Mr. Ide [Page 590] has already been acquiesced in by the three powers it might be convenient to couple him with any new candidate for the municipal presidency.
This latter suggestion was put forward in Mr. Wharton’s note to you of March 3, to which no reply has yet been made so far as appears of record. I venture to inclose a copy for your use, if need be.
I am, etc.,