Mr. Foster to Sir Julian Pauncefote.

Dear Sir Julian: I have seen the German minister and he will cable his Government to-day that you have informed me that the British minister in Stockholm understands that M. de Cedercrantz desires to [Page 587] resign. He will further advise his Government that I am prepared to instruct our minister at Stockholm to cooperate with the British and German ministers in a representation to His Majesty the King of Sweden that the resignation will be accepted and the expenses of the return journey of M. de Cedercrantz paid by the three powers, this course being regarded as most courteous to the King and most expeditious, and possibly would result in a telegram from the Swedish Government to M. de Cedercrantz. You may feel at liberty to telegraph in the same sense to your Government.

With sentiments of the highest esteem.

I am, etc.,

John W. Foster.