Mr. Herbert to Mr. Foster.
Washington, November 2, 1892.
Sir: With reference to my note of the 8th instant, I have the honor to inform you that I forwarded copy of your note of the 27th September in regard to the resignation of the president of the municipal council of Apia to the Earl of Rosebery, and his lordship has now instructed me to state in reply that the Marquis of Salisbury expressed in the month of August last his concurrence in the proposal of the German Government that Baron Senfft’s resignation should not be accepted. For the present, therefore, the question must, in his lordship’s opinion, be settled in that sense. I am desired, however, to add that in the event of Baron Senfft again tendering his resignation, later information which has been received in regard to the state of affairs in Samoa might warrant a reconsideration of the question.
I have, etc.,