Mr. Adee to Mr. Herbert
Washington, August 15, 1892.
Sir: I have the honor to apprise you of the receipt of a dispatch from the vice-consul-general of the United States at Apia, numbered 200, of the 19th ultimo, accompanied by the following notice that appeared in the Samoan Times of the 16th ultimo:
Notice: During the months of August, September, and October ensuing, I shall continue to adopt for my receipts and disbursements the present rate of exchange, viz, the English pound sterling and the 20-mark gold piece as equal to $5 United States currency.
Frhr. Senfft von
Apia, July 14, 1892.
I have said to the chargé d’affaires ad interim of Germany here that the published notification of Baron von Pilsach does not accord with the understanding reached, as stated in the Department’s note to Sir Julian Pauncefote of March 24, 1892, that the 20-mark gold piece was to be received as the equivalent of $4.76 and that it was not doubted that the German Government would cause the order of Baron von Pilsach to be rescinded and the agreement of March 24 last to be carried out.
I shall be glad to learn what, if any, action has been taken by Her Britannic Majesty’s Government in this matter.
I have, etc.,
Acting Secretary.