Sir Julian Pauncefote to Mr. Blaine.
Sir: I have the honor, in obedience to instructions which I have received from the Marquis of Salisbury, to transmit to you copy of an instruction which has been addressed to Her Majesty’s consul at Apia, relative to the currency question, together with copies of previous correspondence on the subject, as marked in the margin.
You will observe that Her Majesty’s consul has been instructed to act with his German colleague in urging the Samoan Government to adopt the arrangements proposed by the municipal council of Apia, on the 3d of June and the 24th of July last, and Lord Salisbury has instructed me to request you, should you see no objection, to issue orders to the U.S. consular representative at Apia similar to those which have been sent to Her Majesty’s consul.
I have, etc.,