Mr. Blaine to Sir Julian Pauncefote.
Washington, October 28, 1891.
Brat I have the honor to transcribe a telegram of the 23d instant, which Mr. William Blacklock, the vice-consul-general of the United States at Apia, has for warded to this Department. It reads as follows:
President of municipal council resigned October 5, owing to dispute with German member of council. Arranged to hand over funds to Weber. Consuls protested. President refuses to hand over money to consuls. Chief justice in Australia. Dispatches follow on 15th.
On the 26th instant I embodied the statements of this telegram in another to Mr. Phelps, the minister of the United States at Berlin, and directed him to represent the situation as one likely to produce embarrassment to the three powers in their efforts to promote the cause of good government in, Samoa. He was also directed to represent the necessity of the equal share of the three powers in the financial administration during this temporary emergency.
I shall be glad to learn any steps Her Majesty’s Government may have taken in the contingency.
I have the honor, etc.,